Dawakhan Hakim Ajmal Khan

Spermatorrhoea – An Overview With Herbal Treatments


Spermatorrhoea or excessive involuntary ejaculation of semen has now become a common disease in males causing seminal weakness. Excessive involuntary ejaculation was regarded as a medical disorder during the 19th century with demeaning and shattering effects on the mind and body of the patient. This involuntary ejaculation of the semen can be caused by many factors including sexual ideation and haven’t had sex for a long time. Spermatorrhoea medicine in Pakistan is on its verge and provides 100% satisfactory results. This medication not only helps increase the male sperm count but also strengthens the whole male reproductive system.

The occurrence of excessive involuntary ejaculation usually takes place in the early hours of the morning and is more common among pubescent males.

Some considered spermatorrhoea as a normal process and some consider it as a normal part of daily life. However, in Unani Medicinal System, excessive involuntary ejaculation is a disease that can lead to some serious weakness and other health-related issues. Spermatorrhoea, also known as wet dreams in men, is a sexual problem characterized by involuntary seminal discharge. This involuntary seminal discharge in men usually takes place without any sexual interaction, stimulation, and orgasm.

This involuntary seminal discharge if occurs occasionally is considered normal, however, the excessiveness of seminal discharge during daytime can be considered an alarming male health situation that requires immediate medical attention and spermatorrhoea treatment. The side effects of excessive involuntary seminal discharge include lack of libido, general physical debility, pain in the back, excessive sweating, as well as insomnia.

Triggers Of Spermatorrhoea

The possible triggers of spermatorrhoea include;

  • General debility
  • Weak nervous system
  • The frailty of genitourinary organs
  • Excessive masturbation
  • Sexual frustration
  • Intemperance in sexual ideation
  • Testicular irritation
  • Rectal and colon diseases such as piles, anal fissures, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, etc.
  • Stimulation due to contact with mattresses or blankets.

Dietary And Lifestyle Changes For Spermatorrhoea

  • Eat a well balanced, nutritious diet.
  • Reduce your diet at dinner time.
  • Empty your bladder before going to bed.
  • Use a tough surface or mattress for sleep.
  • Use night robes rather than tight pants.
  • Practice Kegel and Yoga exercise to reduce excessive involuntary ejaculation.
  • Dedicate your energy to creative and productive endeavors.
  • Wake up early in the morning.

Things To Avoid

  • Stay away from alcohol.
  • Quit smoking cigarettes.
  • Don’t hold urine.
  • Don’t hold back bowel movements.

Home Cures For Spermatorrhoea

  • Take two teaspoons of Indian plum powder and add it into a glass of milk and drink.
  • An intake of curd in breakfast is effective.
  • Eat bananas, avocado, and bottle gourd daily.
  • Drink a cup of sage tea before going to bed.

Herbal Medicine For Spermatorrhoea

There are many herbal medications available in the market that can treat the excessive involuntary ejaculation problem, but the most effective herbal Treatment for Spermatorrhoea is Jameelan with 100% results and have no side effects noted to-date. This medication is specially made to reduce spermatorrhoea problems and strengthen the male reproductive organ. Additionally, this medication increases sperm counts as well. Patients with low sperm count can also take this medication. However, if you are experiencing something like excessive involuntary ejaculation of semen with seminal weakness, immediately consult it with your physician because delaying in treatment can cause some serious male health issues.

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