Definition of Likoria
“Likoria is correctly spelled as leucorrhea/leukorrhea or sometimes leucorrhoea. Basically, likoria is a vaginal discharge that comes out of a woman’s vagina. Commonly, it occurs as a natural process to protect the genitals. But, the vaginal discharge can be a sign of infection.”
Around half of the women have female genital complaints to the gynecologist. A massive community of women faces vaginal discharge problems. Moreover, this is common among Asian women. Indeed, vaginal discharge should not be overlooked if you face irritation, burning, or soreness. Ladies! It would help if you had a clear picture of the discharge. Why the vaginal discharge occurs, what is likoria, its etiology, and (likoria) leukorrhea treatment? However, you’ll learn about Sailan ur Reham and leukorrhea Unani treatment.
According to the Unani concept, chronic inflammation affects the mucus membrane (Gish e Mukhati) of the vagina. Moreover, it occurs because of the accumulation of waste material (fuzlaat) due to nutritional faculty.
Vaginal discharge is a whitish, yellow, greenish, or sometimes brown discharge through the female genitals. But The female reproductive system produces mucus to protect the organs, but it may be a sign of infection or disease
So, why does the vaginal discharge occur?
Vaginal discharge is normal to protect the female genitals and eliminate dead cells and unnecessary bacterial cells. Normal vaginal discharge is usually colorless, odorless, and white discharge. But if the vaginal discharge smell, color, or odor changes, it should be your concern. Likoria usually occurs in young women, which may also be a sign of pregnancy. Likoria during pregnancy occurs just like the normal vaginal discharge, but it is slightly thicker than usual.
Abnormal vaginal discharge indicates the presence of disease or infection. You may check the article for more info.
Hence, insulin plays a vital role in regulating the body’s metabolic activities, particularly glucose balance (homeostasis).
Likoria causes
But There are various causes of likoria. We have written brief guidelines for the likoria causes:
Unprotected Intercourse
It is expected that vaginal discharge occurs during sexual arousal. However, But one needs to be worried if the excessive vaginal discharge occurs due to unprotected intercourse.
Many women prefer douching for cleaning the vagina or for intimate hygiene. But it does not always benefit you. Indeed, But it harms you and causes likoria. The douche chemical may change the composition of the vagina and, in short, cause abnormal vaginal discharge.
Feminine hygiene products
Fragnated or chemical-based products can cause irritation or soreness to the genitals. Intimate hygiene sprays may cause abnormal vaginal discharge. In addition, certain soaps or bubbles may also cause likoria.
You may take antibiotics to cure your disease, but they can also adversely affect your body. Further, it causes likoria.
Any kind of vaginal discharge may cause likoria accordingly. The color, smell, or odor may distinguish each condition.
The diabetic patient may cause abnormal vaginal discharge.
A cervix injury or any other part of the female reproductive system may also cause likoria.
Anemia may cause loss of iron and estrogen imbalance. Hence, it may lead to likoria.
Unani Concept has its own description for the likoria causes
- One of the likoria causes is body weakness (badani zauf)
- As we have discussed above, anemia causes likoria.
- Moreover, uterine inflammation also occurs due to sailan e rahem
- The Unani system has an essential role in the humor of the body. Above all, humor is directly involved in the causes of disease. Furthermore, irregular and disproportionate humor results in likoria causes.
Additional likoria causes are as follows
- Early pregnancy
- Low socioeconomic status (malnutrition)
- Excessive intake of cold and moist food and additionally, excessive intake of hot and spicy food
- Irregular menstruation may include amenorrhea that causes likoria
- Other diseases like gout, syphilis, arthritis, tuberculosis, and gonorrhea also cause likoria.
Likoria Symptoms
Likoria symptoms are as follows:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge may distinguish from the normal by the odor. Usually, it may have an unusual smell or unpleasant odor. Moreover, it looks different as well. Thus, there is a change in the discharge color.
- A burning or itching sensation may occur in the vagina or vulva.
- Soreness of the vagina or vulva may occur.
- Painful urination is a sign of abnormal vaginal discharge.
- Moreover, painful intercourse may risk your vaginal health. Thus it is a sign of abnormal vaginal discharge.
- Furthermore, blisters, bumps, or swells may occur on the female genitals.
- Generally, abdominal cramps and bloating appear as a sign of likoria.
- You may feel breast tenderness during abnormal vaginal discharge.
- Sometimes, the bleeding may occur even if not during the menstrual cycle.
Pro tips
Abnormal discharge may have a foul smell and differ in color and thickness.
- Heavier than usual in amount
- Thicker than usual in viscosity.
- Puslike
- White and clumpy (like cottage cheese)
- Grayish, greenish, yellowish, or blood-tinged
- Foul- or fishy-smelling
- Accompanied by itching, burning, a rash, or soreness
Vaginal discharge is of various types. It has a distinctive class in the Unani system of medicine. Let’s discuss a brief overview of vaginal discharge types:
Based on humor (khilt)
- Sailan ur Rahem: this type of likoria is caused by excessive khilt e Dam (sanguineous humour/blood), and the discharge color is prominently reddish.
- Sailan ur Rahem Balghami: It is caused by excessive khilt e Safra ( bile/yellow humour), and the discharge color is yellowish.
- Sailan ur Rahem Safravi: furthermore, it is caused by excessive khilt e balgham (phlegm), and the discharge color is whitish.
- Sailan ur Rahem Saudavi: Khilt e Sauda (black bile humor) causes sailan ur
rahem saudavi and has black discharge color.
Based on the site involved
- Sailan e Furji (Vulvar discharge): the release may occur from the outer part of the vagina.
- Sailan e Mahbali (Vaginal discharge): the discharge may arise from the inner part of the vagina.
- Sailan e Rahemi (Cervical discharge): the release may appear from the uterus.
- Sailan e Unqui (Uterine discharge): the release also arises from the cervix.
Based on age
- Immature girl: The baby girl or kid may develop abnormal discharge through worm infestation, urine incontinence, or vaginal itching.
- Adolescent girl: She may develop likoria due to emotional stress and unhealthy conditions. Moreover, it occurs near menstruation.
- Married women: it is generally categorized as coitus (sexual intercourse) as the inner part of the inner vagina gets inflamed. Coitus causes more vaginal discharge as semen fluid or sperm irritate the inner vagina of the uterus. However, the discharge is yellowish-white in color, sour in nature, and causes excessive burning in the vagina.
- Parous women: predominantly, it occurs due to cervical laceration during the delivery or pregnancy. Moreover, the inflammation of the uterus mucous membrane also causes likoria.
- Menopausal women: Typically, it occurs in old-age women that have carcinoma. The appearance is usually like curd or buttermilk.
Diagnosis of Likoria
You may have likoria symptoms, but one needs to figure it out but the diagnostic tests. There are specific diagnostic tests that indicate the presence of abnormal vaginal discharge.
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You may have likoria symptoms, but one needs to figure it out but the diagnostic tests. There are specific diagnostic tests that indicate the presence of abnormal vaginal discharge.
Physical exam
The primary stage is the physical examination by the physician or healthcare professional. They may examine the pelvic area, specifically the vagina and cervix.
pH test
The pH test will determine the acid level of discharge. Indeed, the change in acid level may indicate an infection in the vagina.
Wet mount
The wet mount test is conducted to identify the type of infection in the vagina. It mainly distinguishes bacterial infection from yeast infection.
STD Testing
STD testing is also fruitful in getting to know more about vaginal discharge. The vaginal discharge sample has taken and tested in the laboratory.
Unani diagnosis
In the USM, a simple test is done to investigate the secretion type in the uterus. Patients are advised to use the fresh cotton or white cloth (swab method) to know the discharge color.
Ask the patient to keep a sterile swab in the vagina overnight, allow it to dry in the shades, and access the predominant humor by its color. If the discharge is reddish with the dominance of heat, red turbid urine indicates the predominance of blood. If the discharge is white with other likoria symptoms of blagham, signify predominance of phlegmatic humor. If the discharge is yellowish, foul-smelling, and intense thirst denote the predominance of yellow bile(khilt e safra). The blackish and turbid discharge linked with dryness and weakness is a sign of predominance of likoria
The result of diagnosis is differentiated into various types.
- Sailan e mani: the discharge is yellowish-white, thick, and non infective with a characteristic odor.
- Bawaseer e rahem: the discharge may be reddish or blackish with associated likoria symptoms.
- Busoor e Rahem: the discharge is scanty yellowish or reddish along with burning sensation and irritation.
- Sartan e rahem: The discharge color is black or like meat water with a foul smell.
- Qurooh e Rahem: the discharge is thick, yellowish, and pus-like.
- Suzaak: the discharge is thick and foul-smelling.
Pro tip: Several investigations such as wet smear, Gram stain, culture, pap smear, and biopsy is suggested to diagnose the condition.
Unani Treatment for Likoria
Unani treatment is a holistic approach to treating your body, mind, and soul. Unani treatment is also beneficial for the body as it has negligible side effects. We will tell you a comprehensive overview of likoria treatment in the light of Unani perspective. Indeed, there are three types of Unani treatments.
- Regimental therapy (Ilaj Bil Tadbeer)
- Diet therapy (Ilaj Bil Ghiza)
- Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj Bil Dawa)
Regimental Therapy
Regimental therapy includes a lifestyle change, a way of living that provides good sleep, proper exercise, and a better habit of living. The fundamental shift for the cure of Sailan ur Rahem includes cleanliness, dietary restriction, and an adequate sleep cycle. The patient should avoid excessive physical exertion and also emotional stress. Greek philosophers and doctors have come across therapies that treat likoria. Well, we’ve concluded a few points for the regimental treatment.
Role of Sitz Bath (Abzan)
Abzan (sitz bath) is a type of bath that helps treat gynecological disorders. Buttock and hips are immersed in water at a specific temperature. Indeed, the therapy may help disinfect the affected organ of the body. Essentially, the organs are treated by the efficacy of herbs extracted in the bath. Types of sitz bath are:
- Ābzan ḥār (Hot Sitz Bath)
- Ābzan bārid (Cold Sitz Bath)
- Ābzan mo’tadil (Neutral Sitz Bath)
- Ābzan murakkab (Alternate Hot and Cold Sitz Bath/ contrast)
Herbs and mixture that have been proven fruitful for leucorrhea in sitz bath.
- There are certain herbs i.e. mixture of Methi, Tukhme Katan, Tukhme Khatmi, Birinjasaf. Ābzan with a mixture of roghan gul and luke warm water (Razi, 2001) ·
- Ābzan with mazu decoction (Razi, 2001).
- Mazu, Juft Baloot, Khubs ul Hadeed, Shib Yamani, Zaj Use filtered water for
- Ābzan after boiling all the medicine in water.
Hijammah (Cupping Therapy)
Cupping therapy is done in the pubic region for leucorrhea to bring the secretion outside or towards the periphery. Thus, it restores the balance of the neuroendocrine system and physiological homeostasis. However, precaution and contraindication should be kept in mind while performing for likoria.
Maintain Sanitation
Cotton loose-fitting undergarments should be used. Keep the genital area clean and dry as much as possible.
Maintain a Healthy Eating Habit
- Avoid sugary products when you have an excess of discharge. Furthermore, avoid beverages and soft drinks if you are facing excessive discharge.
- Don’t take alcohol if you face the vaginal discharge
- Add fresh curd to the patient.
Drink Enough Water
Generally, six glasses a day is enough for the body. Drink adequate water to take toxins out of the body.
Diet Therapy (Ilaj Bil Ghiza)
Diet therapy is the proper regime for eating the right meals. Easily digestible foods and beverages should be given to the patient.
- Dietary Recommendation
Advise the patient to take moong dal, yellow arhar lentil, meat soup, green leafy vegetables, and fruits like pomegranates, apples, grapes, etc. Because all these things increase the nutritive power of the uterus.
Ask the patient to use the iron-containing food.
- Dietary Restriction
Ask the patient to avoid ghiza e kaseef, hot, spicy, and bitter food. Dietary restriction plays an integral part in the likoria treatment.
Pharmacotherapy (ilaj bil dawa)
According to Unani Concept, those drugs should be used which possess the properties of expectorant, tonic, astringent, diuretic, laxative, purgative, and analgesic. Further, the drugs should be selected depending on the humor involved. However, the drugs are the proven likoria treatment.
A single and compound drugs which renowned Unani physicians are commonly using are as follows:
Single Herbs
Sigle herbs have been proven beneficial for likoria treatment. A significant portion of pharmacotherapy has been substantiated as helpful likoria treatment.
Star anise
Star anise is also known as anisoon or aniseed. Furthermore, its binomial or scientific name is Pimpinella Anisum. Star aniseed has attested for the treatment of abnormal discharge. Typically, it treats bacterial vaginosis.
Research has confirmed star aniseed medicinal effect for likoria. Decoction and tampon of aniseed have effectively treated bacterial vaginosis. Moreover, it eliminates malodor, low backache, and low abdominal pain. Basically, it improves the cell and maintains pH
Neem Azadirecta indica is the biological name of neem. A decoction made of neem leaves is used for douching the vagina post-delivery.The neem tree is also used for abdominal pain, spermatorrhea, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea, fever, intestinal worms, joint pains, constipation, and hemorrhoids
Gul e surkh
Rosa domestica is the scientific name of gul e surkh. Rose petals are used in treating wounds and relieving pain. Uterus Decoction of dried rose flowers is helpful in uterine pain (due to hotness). Paste and decoction (as sitz bath) of rose bud is effective in leucorrhoea and it strengthen the vaginal muscles.
Gul e supari
Acecia catechu is the scientific name of the gul e supari. Generally, it is used as an expectorant. Still, it has proven beneficial for the likoria treatment. It is also used in suppositories and ointments as well.
“Jaft-E-Baloot” is the thin dark brown color inner woody hulls of Q. infectoria fruits.Mazu contains tannins which have the potency to treat two major female problems. Due to the high tannins content of Jaft-E-Baloot, it has some biological characteristics such as albumin sedimentation, tissue-protective effects, anti-microbial and antituberculosis, wound healing, and astringent effects.Due to Mazo’s cold and dry temperament, it is used topically to cure foul sweating, herpes, ringworms, frostbite, inflammation, infectious skin, eye diseases, and blepharitis.Mazo powder in the ointment is used for rectum prolapse, vaginal laxity, and anal diseases.For excessive vaginal discharges and leucorrhoea, Mazo is used in the form of pessaries
Compound drugs
Unani compoundsDawa-i-Jahar JadeedMajun Supari Pak Majun Zanjabeel Qurs NiswanSafoof Supari PakAjmali Mee Lo | Therapeutic effects Effective for inflammation of uterusStrengthen the female reproductive systemUseful in uterine pain and menstrual irregularitiesRelieve in back painStrengthen vaginal wallUseful in treating uterine inflammation |
Nowadays, leucorrhea is common among young and elder female due to sedentary and unhygienic lifestyle. The discharge flowing out of the genital may irritate or soar the female reproductive organs. Ajmal Dawakhana has been treating the disease and healing humanity for the longest time. We hope to highlight the major concerns for thee illness. Moreover, we’ve provided you with the best solution of holistic treatment for likoria.
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