Dawakhan Hakim Ajmal Khan

Vaginal Discharge may be Sign of Various Infections | Best Leucorrhea Treatment at Home.

vaginal discharge


The body discharges various fluids for detoxification. A discharge that occurs through the vagina is called vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is usually normal and healthy as it may eliminate dead cells and unnecessary bacteria. But, abnormal vaginal discharge can be a sign of various infections and indicate the presence of illness. So, how can one treat abnormal vaginal discharge? Indeed, we have come up with the best leucorrhea treatment at home. Above all, you’ll learn about typical vaginal discharge smell, vaginal discharge types, leucorrhea treatment, and leucorrhea causes.

Brief Overview of Leukorrhea

Let’s start with a basic overview. The medical terminology for vaginal discharge is leukorrhea. Specifically, the flow of a whitish, yellowish, bloody, or greenish discharge from the female vagina is leukorrhea. Furthermore, it may be normal or maybe a sign of infection.

The flow may occur through the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterine, or cervix. Each of the discharges also varies from the other.

Vaginal discharge is usually normal, and it protects the female reproductive system. Usually, vaginal discharge formulates due to increased estrogen in blood levels. Well, leukorrhea rises more than usual during pregnancy and after childbirth. After childbirth, if a foul smell accompanies leukorrhea, it is the reason for infection. In addition, it is known as lochia (post-partum vaginal discharge, containing blood, mucus, and placental tissue).

The vaginal discharge starts from the female birth and sustains till death, but the amount may vary accordingly.

Synonyms: whites, blennorhea, Fluor albus, leucorrhea.

Unani terminology for Leukorrhea is Sayalan-e-rahem.

The cause of leucorrhea is as follows:

  • Estrogen imbalance
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Bacterial, yeast, or any other infection
  • Mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and others.
  • Malnutrition
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse

What is vaginal discharge normally?

The normal vaginal discharge has the following characteristics:

  • Odorless
  • Usually thinner
  • No itching or burning sensation
  • No abdominal pain or cramps
  • Improper hygiene habit
  • Anaemia
  • No other symptoms

What is the reason for white discharge?

There are various reasons for white discharge. A typical vaginal discharge smells odorless. Furthermore, the vagina produces mucous to protect the tissue and eliminate the dead cell.

But if the white discharge is thicker and puslike, it may indicate infection or other illness. Indeed, it should be concerned if the discharge is white and foul smelly. Well, we will discuss the vaginal discharge types below. Stay tuned!

What does a different color discharge mean?

Vaginal discharge is usually in white. But it is not a hard and fast rule that the discharge will always be in white. Indeed, it can vary between yellow, green, or sometimes brown.

Type of Discharge Indications
Bloody or brown Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain.
Cloudy or yellow Affect menstrual cycle (Bleeding between periods), urinary incontinence, pelvic pain.
Milky or white with no odor Normal discharge.
Frothy, yellow or greenish with a bad smell Pain, itching and soreness while urinating.
Pink Uterine lining shredding after childbirth (lochia).
Thick, white, cheesy Swelling, itching, and pain around the vulva. It may cause painful sexual intercourse.
White, grey, or yellow with fishy odor Itching or burning, redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva.

How can I stop daily discharge?

Daily vaginal discharge is bothersome; you may want to get rid of it. For this, you need to follow a proper regime. Some of the helpful tips are:

  • Keep the vagina clean on the outside—no need to put soap inside the vagina. Avoid douche regularly as it may increase the chances of leucorrhea. Still, intimate hygiene is essential for a healthy vagina. Avoid chemical or scented bars of soap or other washing stuff.
  • Wear 100% cotton underpants.
  • Furthermore, the cotton underwear should be clean and washed with unscented powder or fabric softener.
  • Maintain a proper and healthy diet.
  • Have protected sex.

Types of vaginal discharge 

We can categorise vaginal discharge majorly into

  • The appearance of vaginal discharge (change in color, smell, or viscosity)
  • Site of vaginal discharge (Anatomical Leucorrhea)

Appearance of  Vaginal Discharge

The vaginal discharge can vary in color, odor, and texture, also indicating the presence of disease or infection. We’ve already discussed vaginal discharge types according to appearance.

  • If the vaginal discharge smells differently, it should be the reason for concern. Normal leukorrhea usually doesn’t smell.
  • Thick, white, and like cotton cottage cheese signal the presence of yeast infection.
  • Green, yellow, or frothy usually Trichomoniasis.
  • Pelvic pain or bleeding may be a sign of illness and dangerous disease.

Anatomical Leukorrhea

Anatomical leukorrhea may include:

Vulvar Leukorrhea

The vulvar leukorrhea occurs chiefly in children, even in young women. Above all, it may cause itchy skin. Basically, it happens due to underdevelop or atrophied sebaceous gland. At puberty and during pregnancy, the sero-purulent discharge becomes mixed with the secretion of the vulvo-vaginal. So, it renders a viscid and oily substance having a fishy or sour odor.

Vaginal leucorrhea

It mainly occurs in young women and consists of a white creamy and puslike fluid.

Cervical leucorrhea

One of the most commonly occurring discharges during pregnancy is cervical discharge. It is thick, claggy and ropy, having the unboiled white of an egg appearance.

Uterine leucorrhea

It also occurs during childbearing and has similar characteristics to cervical leukorrhea. However, it is more watery and less dense and gelatinous. Furthermore, it is more often tinged with blood or yellowish from the admixture of pus. After menopause, uterine leucorrhea occurs, consisting of a thin, watery, unirritating fluid. Generally, it happens after menopause in some women. Above all, it consists of a minor, light, watery, irritating fluid.

Best Leukorrhea Treatment at Home

Let’s come to the discussion’s central part, i.e. best leukorrhea treatment at home. Mild symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge can be treated very well at home. We have some tips and tricks to cure it at home.

Self-medication and self-diagnosis are not recommended. There are some tips for the best leukorrhea treatment at home.

Apply Yoghurt to the Vagina

You can apply yoghurt to the vagina to prevent infection or treat vaginal discharge. Not just use yoghurt; you should add it to your daily routine. Yoghurt is probiotic (bacteria friendly), so it can improve the immune system.

Mango Pulp Good for Genitals

Mango is rich in vitamin A and Vitamin E, so it relieves the soreness or burning sensation in the vagina. You can apply mango pulp on the genital for soothing or relief effect. Furthermore, mango has antioxidant, antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.

Benefits of White Rice Water Residue

Intake white rice water residue formed during rice preparation. Hence, it is considered to be the best leukorrhea treatment at home. The white residue contains starch, and it is helpful in various skin treatments. In addition, it reduces burning or itching sensation and soreness.

Drink Fenugreek Seed Decoction

You may know fenugreek seed benefits for health. Let’s add one more to it. Make a decoction of fenugreek seed and apply on genital. It also helps treat abnormal vaginal discharge.

Extra tip: Take proper care of intimate hygiene.

Yoga & Exercise Treat Leukorrhea

Yoga and exercise for leukorrhea have proven beneficial for the treatment. So, add yoga to your daily routine. A sedentary lifestyle has side effects that get reduced with exercise. Go for a walk and do exercise daily during the morning.

Balanced Nutrition

The best leukorrhea treatment at home can be prevention. Improve your diet; hence you need to maintain a balanced diet.

Coriander seed for vaginal infection

Usually, soak coriander seeds in lukewarm water overnight. Apply the decoction on the genital; it can reduce vaginal infections. However, it can also benefits when taken orally. Coriander seed water strengthens the vital organs.

Is vaginal discharge a sign of infection or illness?

The answer may vary according to the condition. If the vaginal discharge is odorless, colorless and thin, it is a normal vaginal discharge without soreness or itching. But, if the mucus varies in any conditions, it may be the reason for infection or illness. The indication may vary according to smell, color or texture of discharge. Thus, it is the signal to be a deadly disease most of the time.

If you have an abnormal discharge, visit your healthcare professional as soon as possible. If the burning or itching sensation is painful, call your Hakeem. Go for the prescribed Unani medicine for leucorrhea.


Around 1 in 3 women suffer from abnormal vaginal discharge. So you may have a brief knowledge of it. The vaginal discharge smell is odorless until it is normal. In addition, it is generally whitish or thin fluid. But if things go wrong, see your healthcare professional asap.

The situation is not severe in most cases, and the best leukorrhea treatment at home is a better solution. So, try home remedies and have a healthy vagina. If things are out of your hand, visit Ajmal dawakhana.

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