Dawakhan Hakim Ajmal Khan

Menorrhagia/ Hypermenorrhea (Kasrat-e- Tams)

Menorrhagia (Ifrat-e- Tams) and hypermenorrhea both terms are used for abnormally profuse or prolonged menstrual bleeding (kasrat-e-tams). This heavy abnormal bleeding occurs due to an imbalance in hormonal levels, especially estrogen and progesterone levels. Due to that imbalance in hormones, the endometrium (the innermost lining of the uterus) produces heavy menstrual bleeding.

This hormonal imbalance is often seen in women approaching menopause and also menorrhagia is quite common in women approaching menopause.

It is also observed that almost all women may experience heavy menstrual cycle occasionally; however, some women experience extremely heavy bleeding that lasts longer than a week or more.

Some studies also suggest that the hormonal imbalance and noncancerous uterine fibroids can be the major causes of menorrhagia.

What Is the Normal Menstrual Cycle?

Girls more often than not start having menses between the ages of 12 and 15. Women between ages 39-51 usually start to have fewer menses. Menstrual cycles in teens and women in their 40s last longer or change a lot. Menstrual cycles in teens should even out with time. Women approaching menopause, the menstrual cycles will probably last longer and then will stop.

Menorrhagia Symptoms

You may be experiencing menorrhagia if you have the following:

  • Menstrual flow that soaks through one or more sanitary pads every hour
  • When you need to use double sanitary protection
  • Having to change pads or tampons in the middle of the night
  • Passage of blood clots that are the size of a quarter or larger
  • A menstrual period that lasts more than seven days
  • Menstrual flow that includes large blood clots
  • Inability to perform daily activities due to heavy menstrual flow
  • Constant lower abdominal and pelvic pain

Excessive and prolonged menses may lead to anemia, which causes:

  • Pallor
  • Tiredness
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath​

Menorrhagia Causes (Ifrat-e- Tams)

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Uterine polyps.
  • Non-hormonal Intrauterine Device can also cause heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Pregnancy-related complications such as ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.
  • Uterine, cervical, and ovarian cancers affect the reproductive system and can cause heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Inherited bleeding disorders.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also cause heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Other diseases that can develop menorrhagia include endometriosis, thyroid disorders, and liver or kidney diseases.

Physical Consequences Of Heavy Menstrual Cycle

Heavy menses ruin all aspects of the lives of women. The physical consequences of heavy menstrual bleeding include fatigue, low energy levels, anemia caused by iron deficiency, reduced immunity, as well as severe pain all over or sometimes in legs and back.

Psychological Impact Of Heavy Menstrual Cycle

Heavy menstrual bleeding can also have a psychological impact, for instance, depression, peevishness, nervousness, and lack of confidence. There are wider consequences too, such as having to call in sick, avoid going out and skipping the gym, as well as the constant fear of leaking and the embarrassment this can cause.

Who Is At Risk?

As compared to elderly women, young females approaching menopause are at risk for menorrhagia. On the flip side, women with hereditary bleeding disorders have the highest risk. Additionally, women with a past history of some gynecological cancers are also at high risk for menorrhagia.

Management Of Menorrhagia Under Unani Medicinal System

The Unani medicinal system offers lots of cures for menorrhagia (kasrat-e-tams). The Unani remedies for the treatment of menorrhagia are considered reliable and effective. These Unani medications have been prescribed to female patients with menorrhagia for years. Ibn-e-Sina also used to treat menorrhagia (Kasrat-e-Tams) by using opium in some of his research work.

Single Herbs To Treat Menorrhagia (Kasrat-e-Tams)

Compound Unani Formulation For Menorrhagia (Kasrat-e-Tams)

EndNote: Unani drugs should be taken under the guidance of a certified Unani Physician. To get optimum results, patients are required to follow the regimen strictly.

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