Dawakhan Hakim Ajmal Khan

Abdominal Pain

You’ve once faced abdominal pain, also known as stomach pain or stomachache, in your life. Mostly, it’s not that scary, but one should always know the cause of stomach pain. Well, in Pakistan, folks mostly face stomach pain due to ulcers, bloating, or any microbial infection. Kids are more likely to be on the radar of stomach problems. 

Well, we’ve decided to educate our audience about the different causes and symptoms of stomachache and how to treat them naturally. Yes, we got the perfect stomach pain treatment plan for you. It’s not always safe to take allopathic stomach pain medicine. So, we got your back and have some home remedies for stomach pain—a better way to treat stomach problems.

Brief Overview of Stomach Pain

Let’s start with a quick overview of stomach pain (pait dard). 

What exactly is a stomachache or stomach pain?

Stomach pain can occur in the body, starting from the belly ribs to the pelvis. It may come and go from sudden, stabbing pains to constant, dull abdominal aching. Hence, abdominal pain is of various types. Well, different cases of stomach pain are categorized into

Acute abdominal pain 

Chronic abdominal pain 

  • Acute Abdominal Pain: It is a sudden onset of pain. For example, acute appendicitis is an acute abdomen.
  • Chronic Abdominal Pain: if the pain lasts for more than three months, it is definitely chronic pain. For example, IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome) is chronic pain

Please don’t take the abdominal pain way too lightly; it can be an early sign of deadly disease. Hence, there are multiple reasons for abdominal pain. It can come from any of the organs in your belly:

  • gallbladder, pancreas, liver, stomach, and intestines  
  • or the abdominal wall (the outer shell of the body) 

Sometimes you feel stomach pain, but it’s actually coming from the chest, back, or pelvis.

Why do you feel stomach pain? 

You can feel stomach pain due to various causes. Well, we’ll tell you in complete detail about the causes of stomach pain. We’ve classified the causes as well:

You can face stomach cramps due to digestive problems. It is a less severe cause of stomach pain, and you can treat taking Unani medicine for gastric problems.  

  • Constipation (Qabz)
  • Gaseous Gastralgia (Waja’ al-Mi’da Riyahi): Pain of stomach due to the accumulation of flatus/gases.
  • Indigestion is of two types: the one in which food fails to digest and gets decomposed into the stomach. So, it is called Tukhma (indigestion). While the second one indicates the food is neither decomposed nor digested; hence it is called Butlan al-Hadm (indigestion).

Abdominal issues are categorized as follows. It would help if you remembered that every cause has a specific treatment.

  • Appendicitis (Qulanj Za’idi)
  • Food poisoning (Hayda)
  • Food allergies.
  • Diverticulitis.
  • Gallstones.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) {Waja’ al-Fu’ad}
  • Hernia (Fatq)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s disease).
  • Kidney stones.
  • Stomach flu (gastroenteritis).
  • Ulcers (peptic ulcer disease) {Quruh}

Various pelvic problems are as follows and should be treated accordingly:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Menstrual cramps.
  • Ovarian cysts.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Urinary tract infections.

Sometimes, the abdominal pain is due to other organs like chest pain, etc. The primary reason for stomach pain due to chest problems are as below:

  • Blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism).
  • Heart attack (Al-Tanakhkhur alInsidadi li ‘Adal alQalb)
  • Pneumonia (Dhat al-Ri’a) 

General Symptoms of Abdominal Pain

General signs and symptoms of abdominal pain are as follows:

  • If the pain occurs anywhere between ribs and pelvis, it is abdominal pain. 
  • If you ever felt nauseous or like a knot in the stomach, it is probably due to stomach pain.  
  • Vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea are the general symptoms. 
  • We’ve talked about the pains down below as well. 
  • Bloody stool and weight loss are the indications. 
  • Sometimes, there is a severe tendon when you touch your stomach. 
  • However, the abdomen gets swallowed.

Kids Mostly Get Abdominal Pain 

Kids and older people suffer stomach pain more frequently than adults. The reason is: they are more susceptible to infections, especially microbial infections. Mostly, newbies get stomachaches due to constipation. Other common reasons are

  • Appendicitis.
  • GERD.
  • Milk allergy (lactose intolerance).
  • Strep throat.
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI).

Home Remedies for Abdominal Pain

Some home remedies for stomach pain are as follows: 

  • Try sipping water or other clear fluids. Avoid taking milk or any other heavy liquid drink. 
  • Don’t take solid food for the first few hours after pain. 
  • If you’ve been vomiting, wait 6 hours and then eat small amounts of soft foods like rice, applesauce, or crackers. Try some light and a small portion of meals.
  • Suppose your pain occurs after meals in your abdomen. Go for antacids. It may help, especially if you are feeling heartburn (dyspepsia) or indigestion.

What Kind of Stomach Pain can you Experience?

We experience different types of stomach pain. We’ll tell you that which pain leads to which disease. Is this pain worth being anxious about? We’ve categorized it briefly. 

Generalized pain: If you feel pain in more than half of your belly. It may be a stomach virus, indigestion, or gas typically. If the pain becomes more severe, it may be due to blockage of the intestines.

Localized pain: It’s found in only one area of your belly. So, it is more likely to be a sign of a problem in an organ—for example, the appendix, gallbladder, or stomach.

Cramp-like pain: It is not a serious one most of the time. It is likely due to gas, bloating, and is often followed by diarrhea. More worrisome signs include pain that occurs more often, lasts more than 24 hours, or occurs with a fever.

Colicky pain: This type of pain comes in waves. It starts very usually and ends suddenly, and is often severe. Kidney stones and gallstones are common causes.

Diagnostic Measures for Abdominal Pain 

Diagnostic measures vary according to the origin and severity of the pain. The physician preferably does the physical examination and medical history as it considers to be the primary diagnosis. A detailed history isn’t really required as such. Healthcare professionals may start by asking:

  • Is your pain localized to the specific area of the abdomen or present throughout?
  • They may ask about the intensity of the pain and if it gets any better over time.
  • Does the pain change or get better by eating or changing position?
  •  Does it migrate to another area of the body?
  • They may ask about the history of pain.
  • There are other related queries asked accordingly.

After the history and examination, the healthcare provider may further proceed to the diagnostic tests. Diagnostic tests for abdominal pain include

  • Barium Enema: Xrays used to examine lower gastrointestinal problems.  
  • Blood, urine, & stool test: these tests are taken to diagnose the unknown factor of the pain. 
  • CT scan, Xrays, and ultrasounds: these tests are generally conducted for the localized pain and unknown cause of the pain. 
  • Endoscopy: colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy are mostly practiced for the examinati9on of the lower abdomen. 

Non-pharmacological Approach for the Treatment of Abdominal Pain

Non-pharmacological medication has proven effective against stomach pain. The nonpharmacological approach has comprehensive research. There is still a lot to explore regarding the topic. According to the study, 

Around 1390 children took probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) gum tablets to treat bowel syndrome. And it has proven to be effective against the disease. Prebiotics and probiotics are good for the gut as it improves their function.

Although, there is still a lot of research required with cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and other approaches. 


Is abdominal pain and stomach pain the same?

Abdominal pain and stomach pain have specific medical definitions. Abdominal pain occurs anywhere between the ribs and pelvis generally. In contrast, stomach pain occurs near the stomach or related organs.

What causes lower abdominal pain in females?

There are various reasons for lower abdominal pain in females. Lower abdominal pain generally refers to pelvic inflammatory disease. The pelvic inflammatory disease may cause due to infection in the female reproductive system. It may include symptoms:

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Stomach cramp

Pelvic pain may also occur in menstrual cramps, ovulation, or gastrointestinal issue such as food intolerance.

Can abdominal pain occur after sex?

Lower abdominal pain can occur after sex in females due to irritation caused by sperm. Sperm can irritate the uterus, which may lead to stomach pain. 

Unani Treatment for Abdominal Pain

Holistic treatment for stomach pain is Unani treatment. Stomach pain treatment is categorized into 

  1. Regimental Therapy (Ilaj Bil Tadbeer)
  2. Diet Therapy ( Ilaj Bil Ghiza)
  3. Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj Bil Dawa)
  4. Surgery (Ilaj Bil Jarahat)

Treat Stomach Pain by Regimental Therapy (Ilaj Bil Tadbeer)

According to the Unani System of Medicine, Ilaj Bil Tadbeer is preferred. So, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy body. A healthy lifestyle may include:

  • Drink plenty of water each day.
  • Eat small meals more frequently.
  • Exercise (riyazat) regularly.
  • Limit foods that produce gas. 
  • Avoid food that causes allergies
  • Make sure that your meals are well-balanced and high in fiber. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Ilaj Bil Tadbeer has been considered the foremost Unani treatment for abdominal pain.

Treat Stomach Pain by Diet Therapy ( Ilaj Bil Ghiza)

Let’s talk about the diet that nourishes your digestive system and prevents stomach pain. Diet plays a significant role when it comes to abdominal pain. Most of the time, it’s related to food indigestion, food allergies, and food poisoning. Well, in the world of junk food, you need to maintain a proper diet. Indeed, you better know the do and don’t for a healthy stomach. Ilaj Bil is essential for Unani treatment for abdominal pain. 

Treat Stomach Pain by Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj Bil Dawa)

When the pain is not relieved, visit a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Firstly, he may diagnose you according to symptoms or cause and then suggest single herbs or drugs for the treatment accordingly.

Single Herbs for Stomach Pain Treatment:

Botanical OriginOcimum SanticumBoerhavia diffusa Anethum graveolensCurcuma longa
Syzygium cuminiZingiber Officinale
Common NameHoly Basil (Tulsi) Tukhm-e-IspatDill Seed (Tukhme Soya)TurmericJamunGinger BenefitsTreats Gastric Ulcer and improves digestion [1]Stomachic and relieves abdominal pain  [2]Treat colic pain & flatulence [3]Carminative Gastroprotective [4]Nausea & vomiting [5]

Unani Formulations for Stomach Pain Treatment:
There is a particular Unani formulation for treating stomach pain according to the cause. Well, we got you a complete package for the healthy gut. Now, you can get the pait dard ka ilaj package, the most effective treatment for stomachache.

Unani CompoundsNehai Jawarish JalinoosMajoon Sangdana MurghHab e Kabad Hab e Papita Ulcerine Hab RaalAjeeb AjmaliJawarish Odd Sheeran  Benefits Improves digestion. Make your gut healthier.Treat any kind of indigestion & strengthen the stomach.Useful in stomach atony.Improve appetite and speed up digestion.Carminative & stimulant of the stomach. For a healthy get. Treats ulcer mainly peptic ulcerTreats gas problem Alleviates abdominal painTreats stomach ulcer

 Treat Stomach Pain by Surgery (Ilaj Bil Jarahat)

Lastly, there are some diseases or disorders that need surgery for treatment. However, you need surgery to treat acute appendicitis, kidney stones, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and comparatively much more. Well, there is always a need to visit an Unani practitioner so that he can treat you with the best outcome.

 Endnote: Self-medication is not recommended. Kindly don’t self-diagnose the disease and visit a healthcare professional for the proper treatment. 


  1. Vinod Kumar, Harish Chandra Andola*, Hema Lohani, Nirpendra Chauhan (2011) Pharmacological Review on Ocimum sanctum Linnaeus: A Queen of herbs. Available at (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
  2.  Debjit Bhowmik , K.P. Sampath Kumar *,Shweta Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit Sankar Dutta Dutta, Traditional Indian Herbs Punarnava and Its Medicinal Importance. Available at (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shravan-Paswan-2/publication/285176083_Traditional_Indian_Herbs_Punarnava_and_Its_Medicinal_Importance/links/565c414d08ae1ef92981da69/Traditional-Indian-Herbs-Punarnava-and-Its-Medicinal-Importance.pdf )
  3. Shekhawat, G. and Jana, S. (2010) “Anethum graveolens: An Indian traditional medicinal herb and spice”, Pharmacognosy Reviews, 4(8), p. 179. doi: 10.4103/0973-7847.70915. Available at (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3249919/ )
  4. V.M. Jadhav (2009) Herbal medicine : Syzygium cumini :A Review. Available at (https://azkurs.org/pars_docs/refs/28/27127/27127.pdf )
  5. Langmead,D. S. Rampton (2001) herbal treatment in gastrointestinal and liver disease—benefits and dangers. Available at (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.1365-2036.2001.01053.x )

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